Thursday, December 07, 2006


Evidence FOR Evolution

An objective look at the timeline for the appearance of species must be included in any discussion of evolution. The timeline of species shows that very early one-celled plants and animals preceded more complex versions, which eventually preceded humans. Carbon dating and layer dating make the given ages for the appearance and extinction of species look pretty accurate and acceptable. My beef is not with the biological timelines, but with the explanation of those timelines. Most will contain utterly astounding entries, like "410 MYA: evolution of hearing". Just like that, hearing evolved. How? Not a clue can be given. It's just as if saying it makes it true.

Evolutionists say that only 1 in 1,000 species that inhabited the earth have been found as fossils. They use this for an excuse that the fossil record shows no Darwinian evolution. (The ones that haven't been found have the proof of evolution!) The question here is, how do they know how many haven't been found since the fossils haven't been found? To establish any number for anything that has never been found is impossible, but somehow evolutionists can do it.

There is no doubt that species are related biochemically, and genetically to various degrees. Vestigial organs are further proof of some sort of past relationships of different species. Five digit hands and paws, two eyes, two ears, etc. are the norm. Of course, some species are far more closely related than others. Humans are 99% similar to chimpanzees when looking at the DNA of both. Human DNA is 30% similar to flower DNA. This fact certainly shows a deep biological connection between all species.

Another piece of evidence that favors evolution is the fact that on each continent a different set of fauna and flora exist. Giraffes and lions are solely African, coyotes and grizzly bears North American, penguins Antarctic, etc. How could this be the case if evolution did not occur? Due to differing environmental conditions, minor evolutionary changes most likely occurred in the fauna and flora on different continents. These changes show up in closely related multi-continent species. These changes would involve for the most part coloring, size, and habits. Size modification refers to animal size and/or body part size. African lions, California mountain lions, and Bengal tigers are all very similar, and differ mainly in size, color, and habits. The same is true with grizzly bears, polar bears and pandas. This type of evolution, is "micro-evolution”. The evidence for micro-evolution is certainly strong. This is the evolution that Darwin saw in the Galapagos. Individual bird species (finches) that he observed on different islands had different colorations, beak sizes, and living habits. Single bird species had to be broken up into sub-species or new species to account for these differences. Darwin then tried to use micro-evolution to explain the entire origin of all species and their body parts, including hearts and eyes. In reality, micro-evolution is not even one trillionth of what would be necessary to form hearts and eyes. Also, there are no precursor fossils to giraffes, lions, and penguins, which makes the "origin of species" puzzle even more puzzling. There are no early giraffe fossils that show species with gradually lengthening necks. Just when something makes sense, there is also a reason that it makes absolutely no sense.

Evolutionists cite changes that occurred in the color of a peppered moth population as a current proof of evolution. Today a battle rages between evolutionists and creationists/anti-evolutionists over whether the peppered moth really did evolve and change colors due to environmental conditions. This is really nothing more than the perfect example of a tempest in a teapot. It is insignificant, no matter who wins the battle. According to evolutionists, lichens on the trees that the moths frequented changed color from light to dark, due to smoke coming from local factories. The moth majority also changed from light to dark coloring, due to the fact that birds ate the white ones, as they were "easier to see". Anti-evolutionists have evidence that the change in coloring didn't happen. In reality, it doesn’t really matter at all who is correct. Because, even if the peppered moth did permanently “evolve” into a different color, this is not even remotely close to the kind of evolution that would be needed to produce sight, hearing, and beating four-chambered hearts. Nor is the increasing resistance of bacteria to an antibiotic a proof of evolution, as is cited by evolutionists. The least resistant die, the more resistant live and reproduce. Both of these "proofs" are explained by simple mathematics, and in no way prove that species, eyes, and hearts formed from natural selection.

If Darwinian evolution indeed did take place, where is the evidence for this? Where are the fossils that show the growth of limbs and bird wings; gradual evolution of eyes and hearts? None exists at all. And until these fossils are found, TOE will remain a figment of Darwin's imagination, added onto by enormous layers of wishful evidence, cartoon drawings of morphing species, a plethora of pseudo-scientists, and supported by a massive amount of group psychology.

I understand this post was quite some time ago, but I have to say it this is a great read. I wonder, when you speak of vestigial organs, how do you conclude that vestigial organs ever had a purpose within the design of a biological structure. Perhaps some organs are cul de sacs and not through roads. I only ask due to my own blindness on the subject. Also, couldn't the biological similarities between all species only be a subtle revelation of some "design signature"? I find your point on the "isolation" of certain animals to certain areas (giraffe, coyote, etc)very interesting.
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